I need a drink…

Dear Reader,

Today my kids were supposed to come in. I checked them in last night, called mom, told her what was going on and reminded her what to pack. Didn’t get a chance to talk to the kids. Everything was set for them to fly in. All mom had to do was bring them to the airport and hand them over to the escort.

I’ve been excited. It’s been 6 months since I’ve seen them. I know that my son, in particular, has had some issues with the idea of moving, but I thought we could get over them. I called my mom this morning and her phone is disconnected. I was irritated, but it wasn’t a huge deal.

I get to the airport this afternoon. I wait…watch everyone disembark. There were three unescorted children…but they were not my children. I asked the air line lady with them if there were more kids on the plane – she said no.

My stomach dropped. Pure panic – enough that I wanted to throw up and cry at the same time. I tried to keep it together. She looked up info on the computer – they’d been checked in via the web last night. I knew that – I did it. But, this morning…they didn’t show, so the agent gave up their spot as a no show.

Of course, I can’t reach mom because her phone is disconnected. I can’t reach my aunt, because it just went to voice mail. My uncle had his answering machine on. I can’t get ahold of anyone. I’m panicking…

Turns out my son ran away. They couldn’t find him, so they spent the morning searching. My aunt thought I got the message. Well, no, I didn’t….no one contacted me. No message, no text, no yahoo. Nothing. All I knew was that they were *supposed* to be on that plane and they weren’t.

Master said he’s done with my family. We need to get my kids – but right now, we just don’t have the means. The best option, for now, is to leave them with my mom and try to stress to her (again) the importance of communicating with me. Not just when something happens, but all the time.

I’ve talked to my daughter, who was just happy to talk to me for a few minutes. I’ve been too upset to deal with mom or the plane tickets. I’m going to have to go up and get my kids – no letting them travel on their own. I’m not buying mom a round trip ticket…if that money is going to be spent, it’s going to be on me, not her. She’s upset everyone so much that even my dad – who doesn’t swear, mind you – dropped a ‘motherfucker’.

Yeah…I need another fucking drink.



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